31 March, 2014

What goes around comes around...

Let me just get this off my chest: I HATE LIARS.

I'm not going into detail about what happened, but anyone who knows me, knows the only way for me to heal is to write. So that's what I'm doing.

I'm not going into detail about what happened, just needed to express how badly I'm hurting. I hate that I'm always the one on the wrong end of the situation, when others get to be happy and discover how much they love each other at my expense. Wish I could get that time back that I wasted in that.

I'm keeping my head up, drinking a butt load probably over the next few weeks, and getting back out there.

Things can only get better, right?

- L

1 comment:

  1. At least somebody gives you a shot cousin. In a couple years, it will work out.

