17 June, 2012

Nearly a year later...

So...it's been a while. Holy cow. It's 5:30 in the morning. Starting to become an insomniac again...oh boy. Well, here's an intro to my life. The love of my life is my 3 year old tabby mix, meet Minnie.

Minnie has many a nickname. I won't get into all of them, but some of the highlights include "floof floof tail", "Meemers", "Mimmy", and "Minerva". You get the point. Funny story about when I took Minnie in. It was summer of 2009, and I had just graduated from Michigan State University. I always wanted a pet to call my own, and had recently taken a liking to cats. My roommate Liz and I went (at the suggestion of our friend Katie) to see two little kittens on her friend's farm in St. John. Naturally, Liz and I could not resist them and knew they had to be ours. Knowing how strict my parents are about pets and surprise adoptions, I insisted I took Minnie in from the terrors of living as a helpless kitten on the dangerous roads of Cedar Village (yep, the place that appears on CNN during the riots whilst MSU is in the NCAA tourney). Believing this to be true, they RELUCTANTLY let me keep her. Today, I don't know what I would do without her. She made the 3 day trip during the middle of the winter with me to move to Houston. She was my rock, even when times got tough and I was so incredibly scared driving though Arkansas with creepy truckers and black ice.

Now that y'all have been introduced to my pride and joy, here's the rest of my family.

Meet Bob and Sue. They are, of course, my parents. Honestly could not have asked for better parents. They know how to lay down the law, but still have great fun. So many great family memories already, and I'm only 25.

Aren't they cute? I just adore them. I have to admit, it really was rough living away from them for the year they moved down to Texas before I did. But, we're all reunited now, and are enjoying eachothers' company.

Meet my sister, Nicky and her mini dachshund, Kailani.

My sister is without a doubt my best friend. With there being only 3.5 years difference between us, we had our share of scuffles when we were younger, but get along quite well now. Well, for the most part. We still brawl from time to time, but don't all siblings?

Next up are our family tabbies, Max and Jamba.

These two are brother and sister. Our family calls them the "skinny tails" because, well, they have skinny tails. Haha They are definitely quite a bit more stand off-ish than Minnie, but still very sweet. Quite loyal to my Dad.

Finally, meet Hershey.

She's our spunky old gal Cock-a-poo. "Hersh" was adopted after our old family dog had passed back in 2001. Her story was quite sad. Her original family went on vacation, took her to a kennel, and never came back for her. So disgusting. But, then again, we wouldn't have this little angel if it wasn't for that family. Things always have ways of working out mysteriously.

So, this wraps up the meet and greet of my family/pets. Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Laura.

That's me on the left. Back when I was blonde, and pre - nose job, a year and a half ago. That's my good friend Margaret with me. Known her since forever and a day. But, that's for another post. My friends will definitely sneak in here and there in my posts from time to time.

Now I'm getting tired. I think that's enough for now. Will blog again tomorrow at a more proper hour, to cover what I did with my closet and progress on healing from nose surgery. Be prepared to be impressed!!!

Night all.

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