12 June, 2015

Playing catch-up...

Wow! It's been a looooooong time since I last wrote a blog! I've been good about Instagram-ing lately, but not so much on the writing end (which kinda defeats the purpose of calling yourself a blogger, haha).

Let me catch you up to speed with my life since my last post (back in January!) quickly...

Work has been the same ol', same ol', like always. I've been keeping really busy with the constant scheduling changes, and all the extra stuff we take care of (which is WELL ABOVE my pay-grade!). Anyways, enough about that...

First off, I'm pretty sure I haven't blogged about it, but I attended the Cotton Bowl this year to see my Spartans play the local Baylor Bears, and we WON! It was so incredibly nerve-wracking since there were so many Baylor fans in the AT&T Center, with Dallas being a hop, skip, and a jump from Waco. It wasn't looking too good for my boys up until the last three minutes of the game, when they started their semi-ugly, yet beautiful come-from-behind win. I literally paced the walkways of the arena, and couldn't bear to watch! I was so overcome with happiness as the final moments counted down, that I started to cry - I'm such a big baby! =) Great win, and I had a wonderful NYE with two of my best girlfriends the evening prior!

Spartan Marching Band
Kristi and I turnt up for New Year's!

Late January, I turned in my beloved Hyundai, Duchess, for a new sassy red Mazda3! I'm just that creative, where I named my new car "Duchess II" (I'm awful at picking out names - I can never decide on names, even for super trivial things; it took me weeks to finally name Minnie, and she's a cat!). February was pretty uneventful, besides going to San Antonio early in the month. Mary and I had a fantastic time, soaking up the history and culture of the city. I was planning on going to Mardi Gras in NOLA this year finally, but plans fell through. Still enjoyed some spirits and friends' company.

Duchess II
Mardi Gras time!
King Cake!
The Alamo by night
Mary's first time to the Alamo
Mardi Gras beads from Pat O's San Antonio!

In March, I went on a cruise with my mom, dad, sister, aunt, and two very good friends, which is always a blast! We did some pretty cool stuff, including rock jumping in Jamaica, swimming with sting-rays in Grand Cayman (hello gorgeous sparkly aqua water!), and enjoyed an all-inclusive party place in Cozumel. Time always flies while you're having fun! When we got back, it was right in the middle of March Madness, so we made the trek down to Sage County in Midtown (where all the cool MSU alums hang for games) a few times. My Spartans made it a lot farther than they were "supposed" to...so even though they didn't make it to the final game, I'm still SUPER proud of my boys :) The end of March also brought a bit of sadness, because Mary moved back to Michigan :( I miss our weekends out and Saucer Mondays! However, life always a way of throwing you something positive to balance out the negative...I met my man-friend right around that same time, and I can say I'm quite happy and content..so I guess he's ok ;) Haha, I kid, I kid. (If you're reading this, I adore spending time with you! :) )

Ship selfie
Favorite place - the dining room
Mumsie and I by the atrium
Picture perfect.
Pano of our port in Jamaica
Red Stripe beer, straight from the source
Beautiful aqua water!
Beach resort in Mexico
Fast-forward to April, and it was time for two of my other really good friends' wedding in Fredericksburg (that's hill country, a.k.a. wine country!). Even though it down-poured for a majority of our time there, we still had a blast! My sister and I ended up making the trip down to San Antonio the day after the wedding (and stopped to take pictures with bluebonnets!), which is always fun.

Congrats Adam and Hallie!
Gorgeous Bluebonnet
Bluebonnet selfie
Bluebonnet field!
Horse all dressed for Fiesta
Classic Riverwalk
Hopping over to May, not much was really going on until the storms from hell hit Texas on Memorial Day, and Duchess II got 3 inches of water in her floors :( Luckily, my man-friend was nice enough to take some Tupperware and scooped the majority of the water out. We were switching out sopping wet towels just about every hour or so, to keep Duchess II from molding. I'm happy to report she is completely clean now, and just needs to be repaired from when I was hit by a cop earlier in the month.

Poor Duchess II :(
The flood water was so deep - almost came right up to my knees!
A shot of poor Duchess II drowning
Finally, coming into June, my sister and I started it off with a bang! We trekked over to NOLA (it was my sister's real first time there), and had an absolute spectacular time! It's the perfect place for anyone who likes to chill and enjoy good food, drinks, and entertainment. I was able to see my friend I met one LATE night out a year ago in NOLA (I love the randomness of the city!), and he was able to meet my sister (we sat and visited with him at his work (not complaining - he works at a daiquiri shop!). It was really great catching up with him! We also explored Abita Brewery (just north of the city), and attended the New Orleans International Beer Festival later on that day. As they say over there (I'm guilty of over-using this!), "Laissez les bon temps rouler!"

Nicky and I on the streetcar - finally rode one!
St. Charles streetcar
Classic daiquiri from Fat Tuesday
Channing Tatum's bar - quelle surprise there's a stripper pole inside!
Crescent City Connection in the background over the Mississippi River
St. Louis Cathedral
Night view of the French Quarter architecture
Abita Brewery!
Me and Kairo!
Jackson Square selfie
Mime as Drew Brees (complete with cigarette, lol)
Another Jackson Square shot
French Quarter carriage
Royal Street musicians
Brunch at Tableau
The Swamp - I was devastated they didn't have any baby alligators to hold :(
Royal House Oyster Bar
New Orleans International Beer Festival
Taps at Abita Brewery
Lake Ponchartrain Causeway
Lafayette Square
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Voodoo daiquiri
Jackson Square at night
Bourbon Street
Nicky and I on the Tropical Isle balcony
 Well, now you're all caught up on my life over the past half year or so...stay tuned for my new post on my current favorite things!

- L

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